[Infowarrior] - More TSA "grope vs porno shoot" tees

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Nov 12 08:15:57 CST 2010

More TSA "grope vs porno shoot" tees

Cory Doctorow at 8:58 PM Thursday, Nov 11, 2010 

With their new "You choose: star in a porno shoot or let me squeeze your genitals" policy, it really feels like the TSA may have finally found the limit of Americans' tolerance for pointless humiliation in the service of some inarticulate "security" goal -- at least judging by the flood of TSA shirts, pledges, civil disobedience campaigns, etc, that we've gotten today. Among that pack, one of the better entries is this pair of tees from Despair.com. Perfect for an airport checkpoint near you.


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