[Infowarrior] - State Department Warns Against AES Crypto

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Nov 7 09:19:16 CST 2010

(via cryptome)  

State Department Warns Against AES Crypto

A sends:

Passport security --DONT USE AES FOR SENSITIVE COMMS (why is that?)

pg 3


The Bureau of Information Resource Management's Radio Programs Branch (IRM/OPS/ITI/LWS/RPB) provides all overseas missions two-way radios equipped with Digital Encryption Standard (DES) or Advance Encryption Standard (AES). These encryption algorithms provide limited protection from unauthorized interception of voice communications and are only approved for the transmission of Department of State Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) and Department of Defense For Official Use Only (FOUO) communications. Under no circumstances should DES- or AES-equipped radios be used for the transmission of classified information, as defined by Executive Order 12958.

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