[Infowarrior] - Energizer Bunny carries backdoor malware

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 8 12:58:21 UTC 2010

(c/o MC)

Energizer Bunny carries backdoor malware
March 8, 2010 - 6:26am


  Researchers at United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team have  
found that software that accompanies the Energizer DUO USB battery  
charger contains a Trojan horse which gives hackers total access to a  
Windows PC, reports ComputerWorld. Energizer has since discontinued  
the charger and they are working with CERT to find the source of the  
code. Energizer's DUO was sold in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and  
Asia starting in 2007. The Trojan can download and execute files,  
transmit files stolen from the PC, or tweak the Windows registry and  
automatically executes each time the PC is turned on. It remains  
active, even if the Energizer charger is not connected to the machine.  
US-CERT urged users who had installed the Energizer software to  
uninstall it, which disables the automatic execution of the Trojan. 

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