[Infowarrior] - ACTA Guide, Part Two: The Documents (Official and Leaked)

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Jan 26 18:24:07 UTC 2010

ACTA Guide, Part Two: The Documents (Official and Leaked)
Tuesday January 26, 2010

Negotiations in the 7th round of the ACTA talks open this morning in  
Mexico with civil enforcement issues on the agenda.  Yesterday I  
posted on the developments to-date, including a chronology of talks,  
issues, and leaks that have led to this week's round of discussions.   
Part Two of the ACTA Guide provides links to the underlying  
documentation.  Governments have been very tight lipped about the  
talks.  Initially, only a brief summary following the conclusion of  
each round of the talks was provided.  More recently, the agenda of  
each meeting is disclosed and a summary document (largely confirming  
Internet leaks) has been provided.  Links to each of these documents  
is posted below.

	• The official agenda for the 7th round of negotiations in  
Guadalajara, Mexico
	• Statement on 6th round of negotiations in Seoul, Korea
	• Statement on 5th round of negotiations in Rabat, Morocco
	• Statement on 4th round of negotiations in Paris, France
	• Statement on 3rd round of negotiations in Tokyo, Japan
	• Statement on 2nd round of negotiations in Washington, DC
	• Statement on 1st round of negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland
	• The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - Summary of Key Elements  
Under Discussion

Of far greater importance are the leaked documents.  These have  
confirmed how the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is designed to  
extend far beyond counterfeiting and how it would reshape domestic law  
in many countries, including Canada.  Links to all the leaks are  
posted below.  Note that many are dated and therefore reflect initial  
thinking but may have changed over the course of recent discussions.

	• Confidentiality statement: terms of confidentiality for ACTA  
documents (U.S.)
	• Business Group demands for ACTA
	• 2007 Outline Proposal for ACTA
	• EU Analysis of the ACTA Internet chapter
	• EU Advance Summary of the ACTA Internet chapter
	• Canadian non-paper on Institutional arrangements
	• Definitions (U.S.)
	• Border Measures Chapter (U.S. and Japan)
	• Criminal Provisions Chapter (U.S. and Japan)
	• Civil Enforcement Chapter (U.S. and Japan)


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