[Infowarrior] - Yawn on 'Zeus'

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Feb 19 02:14:27 UTC 2010

'Zeus' apparently is not a new thing, despite today's media circus coverage.  

In addition to cting a December occurance of Zeus, George Smith (of Vmyth fame) blog describes what appears to be a popular thing for cybersecurity vendors looking to get their names up in lights on the national cybersecurity stage.  (Circus du Cyber?)  I have links to Smith's blog below.

As for me, I knew today's breathless cyberstory couldn't be as serious as the MSM reported it when I went to Netwitness' homepage and in order to read their report on "Zeus" -- you know, the thing behind this "ZMG! BADNEWS!" computer security event, you had to fork over contact information to be added to their marketing database.  If it was really important, or really bad news for the Internet you/d find in-depth analyses from all over the Net.   But nope, the only analysis you see is the one presented to the public in a blatantly commercial and self-serving manner.  Since lots of vendors use cybersecurity hysteria to market themselve throughout the year, that tells me it's not as groundbreaking or earth-shattering a 'story' as I'm being led to believe.



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Zeus attacks were not extraordinary frontpage news when DD reported it matter of factly. Or perhaps when others noted the same. Today they’re news because NetWitness made a report out of them and handed it over to the press.

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