[Infowarrior] - Entertainment Industry Propaganda Campaign Against Limewire Fails; FTC Drops ID Fraud Investigation

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 30 08:27:23 CDT 2010

Entertainment Industry Propaganda Campaign Against Limewire Fails; FTC Drops ID Fraud Investigation

from the so-much-for-that dept

While Limewire is facing a difficult future after losing its lawsuit to the major record labels, the company was also the target of a ridiculous propaganda campaign over the years, orchestrated by a few entertainment industry organizations, which tried to connect Limewire to identity fraud, by claiming that people were putting personal data into shared folders... and this was somehow Limewire's fault. Either way, the FTC stepped in to investigate and has now dropped the investigation, saying that, while the company could still do a better job educating users on how not to inadvertently share information, it didn't see anything that was actionable against Limewire.


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