[Infowarrior] - OT: Hunker Down

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Aug 29 10:36:32 CDT 2010

This morning, someone who wishes to remain anonymous sent me a video by (believe it or not) motivational speaker Tony Robbins discussing the current financial markets -- where we were, where we are, and where we're likely to head, and why. I'm passing it along because he pretty much much echoes what market realists (myself included) have been saying for a while now.   I think it's good analysis and prudent advice...it's also *not* what you're likely to hear on CNBC, either.

No, he's not selling anything --- it's just a simple podcast.  However, he puts some of the macro market concerns into 'plain English' that the average retail investor can understand.  If you're "in the markets" I encourage you to watch the video when you get a chance.  At the very least, it'll give you some calm, objective food for thought. (The 'meat' of the video begins around 09:30 or so.)


In the spirit of disclosure, for several months now, I've been taking slow, methodical steps to protect the longer-term investments I manage against what I suspect will be some very rocky conditions in the global economic markets for at least the next  2-5 years, if not longer.   That doesn't mean I'm just "selling and heading for the hills" -- but rather, am taking controlled measures to manage risk and prepare for possible future opportunities. 

As I said, it's food for thought.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sunday.

- Rick

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