[Infowarrior] - Previewing Goldman: The Movie

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 9 15:32:15 CDT 2010


Ric Burns documentary about Goldman Sachs is imminent. Because as the WSJ revealed previously, the fact that Ric Burns is paid by Goldman Sachs to make a film about the discount window backed hegde fund, in which Goldman Sachs maintains complete editorial control, sure seems like yet another PR fiasco waiting to happen, on par with Goldman making money every single trading day in Q1 (at least they learned their lesson there, and theatrically let a few losses slip in). Just like you, we can't wait for the final product to finally boost our opinion of the fixed income OTC market monopolist. In the meantime, we present this appetizer as to what the final video will most likely be, courtesy of Minyanville.


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