[Infowarrior] - Clarke: War From Cyberspace

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Oct 28 02:05:52 UTC 2009

War From Cyberspace
by Richard Clarke


 From the November/December issue of The National Interest.

ON OCTOBER 1, just beyond the Beltway inside Fort Meade, a four-star  
general became the first head of America’s new Cyber Command.  
Subordinate to General Keith Alexander are the Tenth Fleet and the  
Twenty-Fourth Air Force. The fleet has no ships, and the air-force  
unit has neither aircraft nor missiles. Their weapons are ones and  
zeroes. Their battlefield is cyberspace.

The mission of Cyber Command is to protect the U.S. military’s  
networks and to be ready to launch offensive cyber attacks on a  
potential enemy. Those offensive cyber attacks have the potential to  
reach out from cyberspace into the physical dimension, causing giant  
electrical generators to shred themselves, trains to derail, high- 
tension power-transmission lines to burn, gas pipelines to explode,  
aircraft to crash, weapons to malfunction, funds to disappear and  
enemy units to walk into ambushes. Welcome to warfare in the twenty- 
first century.

We have become accustomed to the pilots of Predator and Reaper drones  
driving a few miles to their homes in Virginia and dinner with their  
kids after having “flown” aircraft all day on the other side of the  
globe, firing deadly Hellfire missiles into houses of terrorists in  
Pakistan. That looks like war as PlayStation: death by joystick, no  
risk of being shot down, no chance of capture. Now, with cyber war, we  
have another means of launching attacks on the other side of the  
world, this time with only a keyboard. In Vietnam and Iraq, U.S.  
pilots were shot down while attempting to bomb enemy air-defense  
missiles. Now, a cyber warrior might simply shut off an air-defense  
network or cause missiles to explode on their launch rails, not by  
using a laser-guided missile, but by activating a logic bomb. Cyber  
war could well mean fewer casualties, less physical destruction.  
Surely then, it is a good idea.

PERHAPS NOT. Much like sixty years ago when we first began to deal  
with strategic nuclear weapons, we have neither outlined a clear  
strategy nor had an open debate about how best to deal with this new  
capability and this new threat. As former–Secretary of Defense Robert  
McNamara discovered, without a real strategy for the use of strategic  
nuclear weapons, we risked annihilation of both ourselves and our  
enemies. The Strategic Air Command (SAC) had a simple plan: the United  
States would perceive when the Soviet Union was getting ready to  
attack us and then SAC would go first, launching all of its weapons  
against all of its possible targets in the Soviet Union, China and the  
Warsaw Pact nations of Eastern Europe. Horrified by that idea,  
McNamara commissioned work that developed a strategy of deterrence,  
including withholding attacks on cities, controlling escalation,  
minimizing crisis instability and initiating nuclear-arms control.  
Much of the development of that strategy was done in public, in  
speeches by then-President John F. Kennedy and McNamara, and in books  
by academics such as Herman Kahn, founder of the Hudson Institute, and  
MIT professor William Kaufmann. This is exactly the kind of discussion  
we need to have today. For it is not an overstatement to say that the  
body of work on atomic strategy initiated in the Kennedy  
administration probably prevented a nuclear war in which hundreds of  
millions may have died.

We sit at a similar historical moment. War fighting is forever  
changed. Though it will never produce the kind of death toll of  
nuclear weapons, we can see echoes of these same risks and challenges  
in today’s newest cyber-war battlefield. We’ve developed a plethora of  
gee-whiz technological capabilities in the past few years, but cyber  
war is a wholly new form of combat, the implications of which we do  
not yet fully understand. Its inherent nature rewards countries that  
act swiftly and encourages escalation.

AS IN the 1960s, the speed of war is rapidly accelerating. Then, long- 
range missiles could launch from the prairie of Wyoming and hit Moscow  
in only thirty-five minutes. Strikes in cyber war move at a rate  
approaching the speed of light. And this speed favors a strategy of  
preemption, which means the chances that people can become trigger- 
happy are high. This, in turn, makes cyber war all the more likely. If  
a cyber-war commander does not attack quickly, his network may be  
destroyed first. If a commander does not preempt an enemy, he may find  
that the target nation has suddenly raised new defenses or even  
disconnected from the worldwide Internet. There seems to be a premium  
in cyber war to making the first move.

And much as in the nuclear era, there is a real risk of escalation  
with cyber war. Nuclear war was generally believed to be something  
that might quickly grow out of conventional combat, perhaps initiated  
with tanks firing at each other in a divided Berlin. The speed of new  
technologies created enormous risks for crisis instability and  
miscalculation. Today, the risks of miscalculation are even higher,  
enhancing the chances that what begins as a battle of computer  
programs ends in a shooting war. Cyber war, with its low risks to the  
cyber warriors, may be seen by a decision maker as a way of sending a  
signal, making a point without actually shooting. An attacker would  
likely think of a cyber offensive that knocked out an electric-power  
grid and even destroyed some of the grid’s key components (keeping the  
system down for weeks), as a somewhat antiseptic move; a way to keep  
tensions as low as possible. But for the millions of people thrown  
into the dark and perhaps the cold, unable to get food, without access  
to cash and dealing with social disorder, it would be in many ways the  
same as if bombs had been dropped on their cities. Thus, the nation  
attacked might well respond with “kinetic activity.”

Responding, however, assumes that you know who attacked you. And, one  
of the major differences between cyber war and conventional war—one  
that makes the battlefield more perilous—is what cyber warriors call  
“the attribution problem.” Put more simply, it is a matter of  
whodunit. In cyberspace, attackers can hide their identity, cover  
their tracks. Worse, they may be able to mislead, placing blame on  
others by spoofing the source.

In 2007, the Russian government denied that it had engaged in  
primitive cyber war against Estonia that took out such things as the  
financial-services sector, and in 2009 claimed it was not responsible  
for largely identical activity against Georgia; though Russia did  
concede that some of its citizens, outraged over the conflict in  
Abkhazia, might have launched the denial-of-service attacks.

In July of this year, cyber attacks were launched against commercial  
and government websites in the United States and South Korea. The  
targets included the White House and Washington Post homepages. South  
Korean intelligence officials blamed the North. The attacks, however,  
seemed to originate inside South Korea.

For years, masses of data have been stolen from sensitive U.S.  
government and defense-contractor computers in attacks that  
investigators have code-named “Moonlight Maze” and “Titan Rain.” Which  
nation—or nonstate actor—has repeatedly performed the brazen cyber  
espionage has never been clearly established. What is clear is that  
cyber warfare poses new risks that we have yet to fully grasp.

THE UNITED States thinks that its cyber warriors are the best at  
offense, with the capability of shutting down enemy air defenses,  
electric-power grids, rail systems and telephony. The United States  
has probably already penetrated many such networks and laced them with  
trap doors (ways to get back in easily) and logic bombs (software that  
would wipe out everything on a network).

Such offensive prowess does nothing to defend our own networks from  
similar attacks, however, and the current U.S. defense systems protect  
only parts of the federal government, and not civilian or private- 
sector infrastructure. No nation is as dependent on cyber systems and  
networks for the operation of its infrastructure, economy and military  
as the United States. Yet, few national governments have less control  
over what goes on in its cyberspace than Washington. And these major  
lapses in our defense present a threat we ignore at extremely high cost.

The possibility of an electric-power grid being hit by a cyber attack  
is less far-fetched than one might think. A CIA official has admitted  
that at least one blackout outside the United States was already  
caused by a cyber attack. An Energy Department laboratory determined  
that a cyber attack from the Internet could weave its way into the  
digital control system of a generator and cause the device to self- 
destruct. Officials have privately confirmed media accounts that logic  
bombs have already been placed in America’s power-grid control  
systems, presumably by foreign cyber warriors.

And this problem goes deeper still. The “critical infrastructure” of  
the transportation, finance, energy and communications sectors are  
owned and operated by nongovernmental entities, corporations that have  
proven highly resistant to regulation. The Federal Energy Regulatory  
Commission (FERC) issued new cybersecurity guidelines to U.S. power  
companies in January 2008, requiring greater separation of the  
operations systems from the public Internet. But it took two years for  
these rules to go into effect (they start in January 2010), and many  
critics do not believe that the FERC has the ability to audit  
compliance. The leaders of those corporations, when asked about  
cybersecurity, almost uniformly believe that they should fund as much  
corporate cybersecurity as is necessary to maintain profitability and  
no more. They will defend themselves against cyber crime. Defending  
them against a cyber war, they all concur, is the job of the government.

Unfortunately, the government has no cyber-defense strategy. While the  
cyber warriors of Fort Meade may take comfort in America’s reputation  
as having the most potent arsenal of cyber weapons, they may be  
members of the national cyber-war team with the lowest overall  
capability. Indeed, America’s ability to defend its vital systems from  
cyber attack ranks among the world’s worst. Some countries, like  
China, have implemented plans allowing them to shut the limited number  
of portals that connect their cyberspace to the outside world. Other  
nations, like North Korea, have such limited cyberspace and cyber  
dependence that there is almost nothing to defend. America’s  
connectivity to the rest of the world is unlimited and controlled by  
no plan or agency. If, as a result of a cyber-war attack, our power  
grids failed, trains stopped and the financial sector froze, the  
government’s response today would make former–FEMA Director Michael  
Brown’s performance after Katrina truly look like one “hell of a job.”

While we do have Cyber Command, it has a defensive mission largely  
limited to protecting the Defense Department. Cyber Command says  
someone else needs to defend civilian entities, specifically, the  
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Unfortunately, DHS has neither  
a plan nor the capability to defend private-sector infrastructure from  
a cyber attack. Thus, electric power, gas pipelines, rail and air  
transport, banking, food-distribution networks and other key systems  
are defenseless against nation-state cyber attacks.

This asymmetry, in which we are developing offensive capability but  
doing little to prevent a devastating cyber attack, began in the Bush  
administration. In the last year of his eight-year presidency, George  
W. Bush signed a national-security decision called PDD-54. That  
directive, still classified, ordered steps be taken to improve the  
security of the Department of Defense and other federal-government  
computer networks. Critics say it did almost nothing to address the  
weaknesses of the national infrastructure. President Obama launched a  
sixty-day review of cyber policy in March, but it resulted in no new  
major initiatives. He did announce the creation of a cybersecurity  
position within the staff of the National Security Council (NSC). But  
it has yet to be filled permanently. The new staffer will report not  
only to bosses in the NSC staff, but also to Director of the National  
Economic Council Lawrence Summers—who has vehemently criticized  
government cybersecurity efforts in the past as imposing costly  
burdens on U.S. companies, whose leaders supposedly know best what  
level and type of cybersecurity they need.

When pressed about America’s lack of cyber defenses, several officials  
privately suggested that there was no nation today that would want to  
hurt us like that. If that philosophy were applied more broadly to the  
defense budget, the nation could save hundreds of billions annually— 
and be left entirely defenseless.

THE FACT that legislators and policy makers do not understand the  
strategy issues surrounding cyber war may stem from the lack of public  
discussion, absence of academic contribution, minimal media coverage  
and insistence on unnecessary government secrecy. A multidepartment  
effort this year to develop a cyber-war-deterrence strategy produced a  
paper that is still labeled “secret.” The last time someone thought a  
secret could deter an opponent was when 1960s movie character Dr.  
Strangelove yelled at the Soviet ambassador that a deterrent weapon  
only works “if you tell us you have it.” America was not sufficiently  
deterred in that movie scenario (an air-force general launched an  
attack which resulted in escalation into global destruction).

In the absence of a public cyber-war strategy, we do not know today  
whether an air-force general could launch an effective cyber war. We  
have not had the basic discussion of whether the United States is  
better-off with the advent of cyber-war capabilities, or whether it is  
we who will be deterred in the future by the threat of cyber attack on  
our vulnerable infrastructure.

Although President Obama may not yet know it, his freedom to maneuver  
in the world is likely already restricted by those vulnerabilities.  
Perhaps in a crisis, someone will tell him. Or maybe he will learn it  
by looking out the window at a darkened city after he has ordered a  
bombing raid on Iran, or sent a carrier battle group to protect  
Taiwan, or done something to irritate the Dear Leader of Pyongyang.

Maybe then he will ask policy questions such as: How does deterrence  
work in cyber war when our capabilities are secret and our weapons  
undemonstrated? Should we, because of our own vulnerabilities to cyber  
attack, initiate cyber-arms-limitation talks, instead of our current  
policy of opposing them? Can arms control work in cyberspace when  
verification is so difficult? Strategic defense was not possible in  
nuclear strategy, despite Ronald Reagan’s best efforts, but does that  
also apply to cyber war? Can public discussion, international norms  
and established lines of communication result in some sort of risk- 
reduction process to address the issues of crisis instability that  
seem to be inherent in cyber war? Are the generals and admirals at  
Cyber Command more thoughtful than SAC’s leaders were at the advent of  
the era of strategic nuclear war? We would like to think so, but in  
the absence of public-policy development, the American people cannot  
know the answer to that or to the many other questions that the  
possibility of cyber war raises. It is time for that public discussion.

Richard Clarke was special adviser to the president for cybersecurity  
in the George W. Bush administration. He is now chairman of Good  
Harbor Consulting. His book Cyber War, coauthored with Robert Knake,  
will be published by HarperCollins in the spring.

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