[Infowarrior] - OT: Catholic 'Church' politics

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Nov 12 13:17:40 UTC 2009

(if political views on religion bother you, move on now.)

If anyone had any doubts the Catholic 'Church' [1] is first and  
foremost a political organisation interested ONLY in its own future,  
here are two current examples from this week.  The first example is  
particularly hypocritical given the 'Church's' belief of love-thy- 
neighbor and much-pontificated work for social programs.

If the 'Church' wants to lobby the government, it needs to shed its  
tax-exempt status.  As the Bloomberg commentator in the second article  
writes, "It’s also worth recalling that those who oppose a public  
policy on religious or any other grounds are free to do so in this  
pluralistic country of ours. But forcing others to adhere to specific  
religious beliefs who don’t share them by writing them into law is un- 

I'm gathering "love-thy-neighbor" is to be replaced with "love-thy- 
neighbor, but only if they share your social views."  What Would Jesus  
Do, people?

(Note: as with my political views, I have been a religious independent  
since 2002)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled morning.


[1] I use quotes in referring to the Catholic 'Church' markedly.   
Given the organisation's actions and history in recent years, you  
really have to wonder.


"The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be  
unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the  
District if the city doesn't change a proposed same-sex marriage law,  
a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church  
helps with adoption, homelessness and health care."

and in a Bloomberg article on the House health care vote regarding how  
Pelosi needed to offer an abortion amendment to curry favour with  
conservative democrats:


"That would be the Catholic church, the main force behind the anti- 
abortion amendment sponsored by Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak. Pelosi  
found herself negotiating with the U.S. Conference of Catholic  
Bishops, whose members had been lobbying Congress for health reform  
and against abortion and building support for their position through  
churches around the country."


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