[Infowarrior] - Sophos releases Klingon AV product

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat May 23 03:31:19 UTC 2009

(Clever marketing, to be sure.  Wonder if Paramount will have  
something to say about it, or if this was developed under license from  
the movie studio as a new form of product tie-in? ----rick)

Now even Klingon speakers can scan their computers for security threats.

Use Sophos's Klingon Anti-Virus to quickly perform an on-demand scan  
and find viruses, spyware, adware, zero-day threats, Betazoid sub- 
ether porn diallers and Tribbles that your existing protection might  
have missed. The software can be run without deactivating your current  
anti-virus software. Phasers can be left set to stun.


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