[Infowarrior] - Safeway - The Morality Police?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Sep 7 21:29:52 UTC 2008

(c/o Pogowasright.org)

Safeway IDs Everyone In Your Party When You Buy Beer

Daniel went to his local Safeway with his brother to buy some beer.  
Daniel had his ID, but his brother didn't—but that's okay, because  
Daniel was the one buying the beer. The cashier, however, felt  
otherwise, and wouldn't complete the transaction without carding both  
of them. The store manager told him "the policy is, at the discretion  
of the clerk, to check the ID of every person present."

The manager hinted that this was a liability issue, but it sounds to  
us like Safeway's employees have decided to play morality police  
instead of following the actual rules. Daniel sums up the problem:

< - >


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