[Infowarrior] - Released: WH Policy on "Controlled Unclassified Info"

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue May 13 01:14:16 UTC 2008

(c/o SecrecyNews)


The White House last week issued a long-awaited policy on "controlled  
unclassified information" (CUI) that is intended to provide a uniform  
government-wide system for safeguarding unclassified information that  
is deemed sensitive.

The CUI framework is supposed to replace the numerous individual  
agency control markings -- "sensitive but unclassified," "for official  
use only," and over a hundred other designations -- and thereby to  
overcome barriers to information sharing within the government.

But the new policy will do nothing to restore public access to  
government records that have been improperly withheld.

Development of the CUI policy began with a December 16, 2005 memo from  
the President directing agencies to "standardize procedures for  
sensitive but unclassified information." Despite the passage of two  
and a half years, however, little progress has been made in defining  
the terms of the new policy.

It establishes a single CUI framework, with three graduated levels of  
sensitivity and security. But the definition of what information may  
qualify as CUI, which includes anything that "under law or policy"  
requires protection from unauthorized disclosure, is vague and  

To put it another way, the CUI policy does not exclude anything that  
is currently controlled as Sensitive But Unclassified.

This is a disappointment in light of previous suggestions that  
wholesale disclosures of currently controlled unclassified information  
might ensue.

"The great majority of the information which is now controlled can be  
put in a simple unclassified, uncontrolled category, it seems to me,"  
said Amb. Thomas McNamara, program manage of the ODNI Information  
Sharing Environment, in 2006 testimony before Congress (Secrecy News,  

But under the new Bush policy, "the great majority of the information"  
that Amb. McNamara said should be uncontrolled will remain controlled  
and unavailable to the public.

The CUI policy properly notes that the new policy does not modify the  
requirements of the Freedom of Information Act process: "CUI markings  
may inform but do not control the decision of whether to disclose or  
release the information to the public, such as in response to a  
request made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act."

But despite the passage of years since the policy was proposed, many  
of the hard decisions involved have been deferred to the  
implementation phase.

Which, if any, of the more than 100 existing control categories will  
be canceled, rather than absorbed into the new CUI category? The new  
policy does not say. At what point, if any, does the CUI designation  
expire? There's no way to tell. What enforcement mechanisms are  
established to ensure compliance with the new policy? To be determined.

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