[Infowarrior] - Yo FCC! Are You Doing Anything About Metered Broadband?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jul 31 11:26:45 UTC 2008

Yo FCC! Are You Doing Anything About Metered Broadband?
Om Malik, Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 10:15 PM PT Comments (2)

In an effort to burnish his public image, Federal Communications  
Commission Chairman Kevin Martin has take up a populist and  
politically lucrative crusade against the evil cable company, Comcast  
and its nefarious efforts to block certain kinds of traffic.

Given that we all love to hate our cable companies, especially the big  
ones, it is a calculated bet by Martin, who is rumored to be  
contemplating running for US House of Representatives after he leaves  
FCC. Now wonder, he has been campaigning hard to chastise Comcast, and  
perhaps censure them for an undeniably lamentable act.

My inner cynic believes that this so called punishment is nothing but  
a smart tactic by Martin to show that he is on the side of network  
neutrality and champion of open access and the people. He told The New  
York Times that he was pursuing this because of openness he wants to  
see in the networks...

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