[Infowarrior] - Pew Internet Report: A Portrait of Early Adopters

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Feb 22 01:16:19 UTC 2008

A Portrait of Early Adopters: Why People First Went Online --and Why They

2/21/2008 | MemoMemo  | Amy Tracy Wells

Our canvassing of longtime internet users shows that the things that first
brought them online are still going strong on the internet today. Then, it
was bulletin boards; now, it's social networking sites. Then, it was the
adventure of exploring the new cyberworld; now, it's upgrading to broadband
and wireless connections to explore even more aggressively. Yet there are
changes in their activities and motives. In the early days, most internet
users consumed material from websites. These days they are just as likely to
produce material. One common refrain is that they think more change lies
ahead and they are eager to watch and participate.

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