[Infowarrior] - OpEd: Rethinking Surveillance

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Feb 12 04:58:52 UTC 2008

Rethinking Surveillance

Monday, February 11, 2008; D03


Video surveillance has become a fact of everyday life. Each time you
withdraw cash from the corner ATM, travel through an airport or visit a
national monument, your image is probably being recorded.

But you may be surprised to learn that there are no federal laws governing
how these images can be used, where they should be stored, with whom they
may be shared and when they must be destroyed. In this age of YouTube, TMZ
and "Cops," it's hard to know where your image might reappear.

Supreme Court rulings suggest that individual freedoms are not violated by
the placement of surveillance cameras, without a warrant, in public spaces.
Unless audio recordings are paired with your image, it's unlikely that your
privacy has been violated. And, in the absence of federal legislation, state
and local governments continue to create a hodgepodge of occasionally
conflicting regulations. In the Washington region, that complicates
cooperation across jurisdictional lines.

The laissez-faire approach of our national legislators is no longer an
option. As an increasingly sophisticated surveillance blanket covers more of
the United States, we need federal laws to preserve an individual's right to
privacy while setting principles governing the use of closed circuit
television and other surveillance technologies for bona fide security

Specifically, Congress should consider establishing laws to:

¿ Ensure that surveillance technologies satisfy their mission for crime and
terror control without the potential for misuse.

¿ Reassure the public that their images are being collected for bona fide
objectives, and that there are penalties for those who misuse surveillance

¿ Promote the adoption of open standards to ensure interoperability, which
in turn would promote the introduction of emerging technologies.

The need for such legislation is clear. Governments, operators of
transportation systems, and private businesses are increasingly using video
surveillance to protect us from street crime and terrorist threats. The
trend is particularly pronounced in the Washington area, where many cameras
have been added since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

New surveillance technologies, meanwhile, are emerging at a dizzying pace.
The blurry videotape scenes of convenience store robberies are rapidly being
replaced by crystal-clear video digitally recorded on computer hard drives.

As the number of cameras watching us grows, the surveillance industry is
wrestling with the emerging problem of an overabundance of images and
properly controlling their distribution. Software that highlights suspicious
images can help sort through video. However, federal government leadership
is necessary to provide guidance in managing and securing these images.

For an example of how such legislation could work, Congress need only look
to Britain. In response to a wave of Irish Republican Army terrorism in the
1970s, closed-circuit cameras were deployed throughout the country, making
Britain the world leader in video surveillance. Today, there are more than 4
million such cameras in use there, according to British government figures.

Britain's experience has been helped by legislation passed 10 years ago that
put public surveillance under national control. The Data Protection Act of
1998 set clear and consistent guidelines for video monitoring of public
spaces, and created the information commissioner's office as the regulatory
authority. A code of practice established privacy principles, provided
guidelines for safeguarding the use of video images and gave industry a
framework for doing business.

The British government also created a partnership between the criminal
justice system, local police forces, government departments, the
closed-circuit television industry and the Home Office (similar to our
Department of Homeland Security) that resulted in a consensus on how and
when video surveillance should be used in public spaces.

In the United States, we have a high regard for personal privacy. There are
laws to ensure the privacy of medical, credit and tax records. And yet,
video surveillance remains largely unregulated. This lack of a national
strategy will inevitably result in an incident in which an individual's
rights are compromised, or evidence of a significant crime is disallowed in

Surveillance technologies will continue to gain in capability -- and become
more intrusive. Issues of privacy and public surveillance may appear vexing,
but the United States must move forward with laws to effectively adapt to
the inevitable spread of this technology. If the public is to trust business
and government to watch over us, we need to follow the lessons of Britain
and protect video images as we do other private data.

Frank Baitman is president of Petards, the Baltimore-based subsidiary of
Britain-based Petards Group, a developer of advanced surveillance systems
with installations throughout the Washington region and in more than 40

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