[Infowarrior] - W. Virginia assessor fights effort to put tax maps online

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Feb 9 19:52:26 UTC 2008

W. Virginia assessor fights effort to put tax maps online

By Ryan Paul | Published: February 07, 2008 - 08:21AM CT


The official tax assessor of Kanawha County in West Virginia, Phyllis
Gatson, has filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to block Seneca
Technologies from publishing tax maps for the entire state of West Virginia
on the Internet. Citing a state law which prohibits individuals from copying
and redistributing tax maps without the county tax assessor's permission,
one that also enables tax assessors to sell paper copies of the maps for
approximately $8 each, Gatson asserts that Seneca's actions constitute
copyright infringement and have caused her to suffer financial damages.

Seneca, a document indexing and data management company, began its quest to
obtain tax maps for all of West Virginia last year by sending a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request to the state tax department, which has
digital copies of all of the tax maps for internal use. When the state
declined to fulfill the FOIA request and insisted that Seneca pay $8 for
each of the 20,936 TIF images (a total of $167,488), the company filed a
lawsuit to force the agency to comply with its obligations under the FOIA.
The Judge ruled in favor of Seneca, noting that the state law requiring
payment applied only to paper maps and not digital copies. The tax
department was forced to provide the entire collection of maps for a single
payment of $20 to compensate it for the total reproduction costs.

After obtaining the maps, Seneca then made them available for free on the
Internet through its own web site so that they could be accessed by the
general public. Seneca plans to use its document indexing technologies to
create an elaborate search system that makes it easy for users to correlate
information from the tax maps with other data stored in Seneca's databases.
Gatson, an individual county tax assessor, responded to Seneca's plans by
filing a lawsuit in an effort to win an injunction that would force Seneca
to take down the TIF images.

Seneca is represented by activist group Public Citizen, which recently filed
a memorandum in opposition to the injunction (PDF) which argues that
publication of the maps does not cause financial damage to Gatson because
anyone can now obtain the maps from the state at the cost of $20, and
prohibiting publication of the maps would violate the First Amendment. The
filing also describes numerous pragmatic and ethical considerations that
justify publication of the maps‹describing how the information is of value
to diverse groups ranging from environmentalists to mineral extraction
companies‹and notes that broad public access to the information increases
transparency and accountability in the tax assessment process.

"When combined with text of other files that contain the entire state's
property assessment data, including the owner's name, address, parcel
identification number, assessed value, and other pertinent information, the
maps provide a new level of transparency to the assessment process, thus
enabling citizens to monitor the adequacy of plaintiff's performance of her
public duties," the filing says. "For example, does an influential person or
company, such as a particular public official or campaign contributor, have
land that is assessed at significantly lower value than bordering
properties? Can any differences in assessment be explained by differing size
of parcel, topographical configuration, and the like?"

The filing also notes that the state law barring reproduction and
distribution of tax maps without written permission from county tax
assessors isn't valid because federal copyright law includes a preemption
provision that precludes state copyright laws. The filing notes that the
state law banning free redistribution of tax maps acts like a copyright law
while failing to provide any of the counterbalances found in federal
copyright law, such as limited duration. And even if the maps were protected
by copyright, the filing contends, Seneca's actions would still likely fall
within the realm of fair use.

It is worth noting that several states already broadly make tax maps
available online for free. The state of Oregon, for instance, offers a
highly sophisticated interactive tax map interface on its ORMAP web site.

Seneca's conflict with a county tax assessor over Internet publication of
public records reflects some of the problems that society will face as more
government information transitions from static print into digital formats.
Seneca's efforts to integrate the information into a more cohesive database
that would provide significant value to citizens of West Virginia have been
assaulted every step of the way by anachronistic laws and misguided
government officials. It is a sad day when a company attempting to provide a
public service at its own expense is barred from doing so by outdated and
legally dubious state laws. 

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