[Infowarrior] - Fwd: (via BoingBoing): Austin teacher threatens to sic cops on Linux group because "No software is free"

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Dec 11 13:29:43 UTC 2008

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org>
> Date: December 11, 2008 7:12:33 AM EST
> (Yes, it's Texas, *again*.)
> 	Austin teacher threatens to sic cops on Linux group because "No  
> software is free"
> 	http://www.boingboing.net/2008/12/10/austin-teacher-threa.html
> Excerpt:
> 	A teacher in Austin sent an angry, accusatory email to a local
> 	Linux collective ("HeliOS Project, which builds and provides
> 	Linux computers to disadvantaged or 'exceptionally promising'
> 	students") accusing them of piracy for distributing the free
> 	operating system and excoriating them for encouraging her
> 	students to do the same. She threatened to have the group's
> 	organizer investigated by the police, too.
> See also:
> 	http://austinist.com/2008/12/10/aisd_teacher_throws_fit_over_studen.php
> and
> 	http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2008/12/linux-stop-holding-our-kids-back.html
> ---Rsk

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