[Infowarrior] - Fare's fair for hackers?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Aug 17 15:46:39 UTC 2008

Published online 15 August 2008 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2008.1044

Fare's fair for hackers?

Researchers warn of ‘devastating effect’ of computer-science gagging  

Daniel Cressey

A legal ruling on a student project in the United States has thrown  
the computer science community into a battle over the line between  
legitimate research and illegal hacking. The disagreement turns on the  
principle of "responsible disclosure", which governs decisions by  
computer security researchers over when and how to make public  
weaknesses in commercial systems.

Eleven top-level computer scientists have publicly come out in support  
of a group of students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
(MIT). The protest comes after the Massachusetts Bay Transportation  
Authority sought and received an order from the district court  
restraining the students from delivering a presentation to the annual  
DEFCON conference in Las Vegas. The undergraduates' talk was to be on  
alleged shortcomings in the security of ‘smart-card’ electronic  
tickets used by the MBTA.
Broderick in War GamesNext step: responsible disclosurePunchstock

According to documents the MBTA filed to the court, the students  
claimed to have circumvented security on e-tickets, offered “free  
subway rides for life” and “plan to allow others to duplicate their  
claimed ‘breaking’”.

In a letter sent in support of the students, the computer scientists  
say the court order is unfair and could have a devastating impact on  
future research.

“I find the court's decision troubling,” said David Wagner, a computer  
scientist at the University of California Berkeley and one of the  
signatories to the letter, in an email to Nature. “If the decision is  
upheld, it could have a profound chilling effect on scientific  
research into the security of information technology.”
Time to take stock

Experts in the area say the strategy of responsible disclosure is  
widely accepted for research on security topics. This involves quietly  
informing a product’s manufacturer and users when a security issue is  
discovered and giving them a set period of time before you publish  
your findings.

“If all you do is report quietly it just gets buried and forgotten  
about,” says Ross Anderson, a researcher at the University of  
Cambridge with much experience in the area. “There’s been quite some  
debate and we’ve settled on responsible disclosure. This is widely  
accepted in the computer industry.”

Exactly how much time you give the relevant companies and users is  
variable, says Bart Jacobs, a researcher at Radboud University  
Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. For a problem with a widely used  
software product where companies already have the intrastructure for  
updates, researchers might give a month. For something like a  
smartcard, a longer period might be necessary.

Jacobs was on the receiving end of a similar court case earlier this  
year when Dutch company NXP asked for an injunction to stop the  
publication of research on security of its Mifare Classic smartcards.  
These are used as Oyster cards for transport on London’s trains and  

The injunction was refused: Jacobs plans to publish his findings later  
this year. “You give the manufacturer reasonable time to patch things  
and at the same time you put the company under pressure to really fix  
the problem,” he says.
Indecent disclosure?

In the American case, there is disagreement between the MBTA and the  
MIT students over what information was provided and when.

In a statement, the students say they initially contacted the MBTA as  
they “wanted to let the MBTA know what they found and wanted to  
provide some ideas about how to fix the system”. They also say their  
presentation would not have included crucial information needed to  
actually hack the fare system and that it contained less information  
than documents that the MBTA’s court filing has now made available to  
the public.

An MBTA spokesman told Nature, “The MBTA received no pertinent  
information from the students before 4.30am on Saturday [the court  
order was granted at 1.30pm on Saturday]. We did ask for the  
information, and time, and got nothing.” MIT declined to comment.

Yesterday, another judge at the district court ruled the restraining  
order — which bars the students from providing “program, information,  
software code, or command” that would help compromise the MBTA’s fare  
media system – should stand. A decision is expected on Tuesday 19  
August about whether it will be amended or withdrawn.

“One thing is clear — the Boston transit authority’s [MBTA] actions  
backfired, big time,” says Wagner. “The technical details are all over  
the Internet now. The lesson: trying to censor something just draws  
even more attention to it.”

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