[Infowarrior] - More on - AOL/Hotmail Blocking Truthout Communications?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Sep 16 16:19:22 UTC 2007

------ Forwarded Message

From:   RK

There is no censorship involved here -- "reputation" in this context is
based solely on the reputation of the SMTP orgination point's IP address,
domain name, networko block/AS, and other technical factors.  Heavily
glossing, the gist is "if your mail server emits spam or appears to be
located in a network neighborhood that emits spam, then your reputation
score may tilt toward the spammy end of the scale; if your mail server
doesn't emit spam or appears to be located in a non-spamming emitting
network neighborhood, then your score may tilt toward the non-spammy
end of the scale".

The basic problem here (which I happen to know 'cause I'm on one of
truthout's lists) is that they don't run their mail system or their
mailing lists properly.  I just sent a message to one of their listed
domain contacts offering to fix that -- for free, provided they actually
do what I'm going to tell them to do -- but it bounced back 'cause that
contact address doesn't exist, according to truthout's own mail server.
*That* in itself is an issue, since it's entirely possible that one of
those providers has been trying to tell them about this issue but hasn't
been able to reach them.  (I'll try another contact as well as their
postmaster address.)

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