[Infowarrior] - SCO Group files for bankruptcy protection

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Sep 14 20:14:56 UTC 2007

Good riddance to Darl & Co.........rf

September 14, 2007 12:51 PM PDT
SCO Group files for bankruptcy protection
Posted by Stephen Shankland

Three and a half years after launching a high-profile legal attack on Linux,
The SCO Group has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The company long has maintained that it had enough money to fight its costly
lawsuits against IBM, Novell, Red Hat (which sued SCO proactively), AutoZone
and DaimlerChrysler. But on Friday, a month after losing on a crucial legal
ruling, the company admitted a grimmer picture.

"The Board of Directors of the SCO Group have unanimously determined that
Chapter 11 reorganization is in the best long-term interest of SCO and its
subsidiaries, as well as its customers, shareholders and employees," the
company said in a statement. Added Chief Executive Darl McBride, "We want to
assure our customers and partners that they can continue to rely on SCO
products, support and services for their business critical operations."

Chapter 11 protects a company's assets from creditors during a

The SCO Group has a complicated history. It went public as Linux seller
Caldera Systems, then acquired the Unix business from the Santa Cruz
Operation and renamed itself the SCO Group. It then scrapped its Linux
business and sued IBM and others, alleging that Big Blue violated its Unix
contract by moving proprietary Unix technology into open-source Linux.

However, the company's legal case was dealt a crushing blow in August when
the federal judge overseeing its case, Dale Kimball, concluded "that Novell
is the owner of the Unix and UnixWare copyrights."

In the meantime, the SCO Group has been trying to enliven its ever-shrinking
business selling its UnixWare software and to expand into the mobile device
software market.

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