[Infowarrior] - RIAA pays its penalty to Ms Foster, but screws that up, too

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Sep 7 01:33:49 UTC 2007

RIAA Sends Check in Capitol v. Foster But Dispute Erupts Over Form and
Amount of Check

In Capitol v. Foster, the RIAA sent a check purporting to satisfy the
$68,685.23 attorneys fees judgment that had been entered against it, but
failed to follow Ms. Foster's attorneys' payment instructions, and failed to
include the interest that had accrued on the judgment.

Ms. Foster's attorneys have moved for an order amending the judgment and the
RIAA has moved for an order deeming the judgment to have been satisfied.

[Ed. Note: It is highly unusual for a judgment debtor's attorneys not to
follow the judgment creditor's attorney's payment instructions]

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