[Infowarrior] - Feds Tell Secret Spying Court to Keep Opinions Secret

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Sep 4 23:41:07 UTC 2007

Feds Tell Secret Spying Court to Keep Opinions Secret
By Ryan Singel EmailSeptember 04, 2007 | 12:52:40 PMCategories: NSA,
Sunshine and Secrecy, Surveillance

The Justice Department told a secret spying court Friday that the court
lacked the power to even hear the ACLU's request for it to release court
opinions about the government's so-called Terrorist Surveillance Program.

Although the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court mostly confines itself
to issuing thousands of secret wiretap orders a year, the ACLU asked the
court in August to release opinions that dealt with a controversial program,
saying that the orders were more akin to rulings setting out the law of the
land than individual spy orders.

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