[Infowarrior] - "Legitimate Visitors" to U.S. Get the Disney Treatment

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Oct 26 13:00:39 UTC 2007

"Legitimate Visitors" to U.S. Get the Disney Treatment
Topics: international | media | propaganda | public diplomacy | U.S.
Source: The Independent (UK), October 24, 2007

>From the movie "Welcome: Portraits of America"From the movie "Welcome:
Portraits of America"Travelers flying into the United States via airports in
Washington DC and Houston are being shown "a sappy seven-minute film made by
the folks at Walt Disney showcasing all that is wonderful, scenic and nice
about the land of the free." Eventually, the film will be shown "in the
international arrivals halls of all major U.S. airports as well as in
visa-processing offices around the world. Major airlines will also be
encouraged to show it on aircraft shortly before landing in the U.S." The
movie was made by Disney's Frederico Tio, himself a Cuban immigrant, and
donated to the U.S. government. U.S. public diplomacy czar Karen Hughes
praised the film for "creating a warm first impression, and first
impressions are important." A joint U.S. government / Disney press release
says the film is part of "a joint vision" by the State and Homeland Security
Departments "to enhance border security while streamlining security
processes and facilitating travel for legitimate visitors."


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