[Infowarrior] - EMI to Slash RIAA Funding, Putting RIAA on Deathwatch

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Nov 29 19:52:01 UTC 2007

EMI to Slash RIAA Funding, Putting RIAA on Deathwatch


Say goodbye to the RIAA, for its days are numbered. EMI, one of the "big
four" record labels that feeds $132.3 million every year to trade groups
such as the RIAA and IFPI, has decided that its money could be better spent
elsewhere. It's reportedly considering cutting its funding towards the trade
groups significantly, which would make it a lot harder for the RIAA to sue
people, invade people's privacy and generally be huge dicks.

EMI is a business just like any other company, and its new owners must have
realized that spending $132 million a year to alienate their customers was
providing them with a really poor return on investment. I mean, it's just
not good business sense. Will any of the other major labels follow suit?
Time will tell, but if they do you can pretty much wave goodbye to the era
of the RIAA having influence. A bittersweet victory it would be, as I'd need
to find something else to bitch and moan about every day, but it'd be worth
it in the end. 

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