[Infowarrior] - EPIC is hiring

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Nov 5 20:41:16 UTC 2007

    Job Announcement
    Position: Staff Counsel
    Deadline: November 30, 2007

    The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is a leading privacy
and civil liberties organization, based in Washington, D.C., working to
protect the public interest and to promote the Public Voice in decisions
concerning the future of the Internet. EPIC pursues public interest
litigation, conducts public education, testifies in Congress, organizes
conferences, coordinates grassroots advocacy, and publishes books, reports,
and an online newsletter. EPIC maintains several well-regarded web sites,
such as privacy.org, thepublicvoice.org, and privacycoalition.org.

    EPIC is seeking a smart, energetic, hard working, and creative
individual to serve as full-time Staff Counsel in our Washington, D.C.
offices. EPIC is committed to diversity in the workplace and an equal
opportunity employer.

    How to Apply:

    Send a cover letter, resume, legal writing sample (5 to 7 pages), and
three references by e-mail to jobs AT epic.org with the subject line: Staff
Counsel Position.

    Or by postal mail to:

    Lillie Coney, Associate Director
    RE: Staff Counsel Position
    Electronic Privacy Information Center
    1718 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20009


        * A law degree and legal license in at least one jurisdiction
        * Strong academic background, such as GPAs of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0
scale and a law review position
        * Knowledge of emerging issues concerning privacy, technology,
consumer rights, civil liberties, civil rights, human rights, identity
management, and government surveillance
        * Excellent legal writing and advocacy skills
        * Strong oral communication skills
        * Ability to produce quality work product in short time frames
        * Ability to work independently and as part of a team
        * Dedication to protecting the public interest in privacy, civil
liberties, civil rights, and consumer issues


        * Research and gain experience and authority in consumer protection,
database security, identity management and other electronic privacy issues
        * Research, prepare, and edit legal briefs, memos, and analytical
reports on such issues in a variety of forms including: agency comments,
Congressional testimony, agency complaints, newsletter articles, books, and
Web pages
        * Submit and manage projects related to the Freedom of Information
Act as part of EPIC's Open Government Project
        * Engage and educate journalists, legislators, students, and the
general public on electronic privacy issues through public speaking
engagements and on-air interviews
        * Work in harmony with staff and clerks
        * Work independently and as part of a team to complete assignments
within deadlines
        * Contribute to and manage other tasks as assigned that support
EPIC's mission to educate and inform the public, policymakers, academics,
and the media on privacy, civil liberty, civil rights, human rights, and
consumer protection issues

    Salary and Benefits:

    Salary is commensurate with experience and skills and begins at $40,000.
EPIC also offers an excellent benefits package including health, vision, and
dental insurance.


    Applications will be accepted until November 30, 2007.

EPIC Home Page

Last Updated: October 30, 2007
Page URL: http://www.epic.org/epic/jobs.html

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