[Infowarrior] - Verizon 'revises' wireless broadband T&Cs

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Nov 3 03:50:51 UTC 2007

Verizon updates T&Cs to further redefine "unlimited" data usage

After Verizon's ambiguousness ended up hitting it right where it hurts
(read: the wallet), the carrier cleaned up its act a bit and redefined
"unlimited" in a hot-off-the-press version of its Terms & Conditions. While
perusing through the legalese, you'll notice that checking out "continuous
web camera posts or broadcasts / automatic data feeds (RSS)" are strictly
prohibited, right along with P2P sharing or using your BroadbandAccess as a
"substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections."
Moving on, you'll also see that exceeding 5GB of usage during any single
billing period gives Verizon the right to "reduce throughput speeds of any
application that would otherwise exceed such speed to a maximum of
approximately 200Kbps." It gets worse -- these speeds are (unsurprisingly)
"subject to change," so it sounds like your connection can be throttled
right on down to a crawl should you pass the 5GB barrier. Have fun!*


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