[Infowarrior] - Harvard Internet & Society Conference this week

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 30 12:12:21 UTC 2007

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University - Internet &
Society Conference 2007

The Internet & Society Conference is positioned to generate questions,
insight and solutions from diverse perspectives across the landscape of
University, with a focus on the role of University as an institution. We
seek to establish University as a collective force much like 'Government' or
'Private Enterprise' in its ability to negotiate and compromise for our
needs in the digital environment.

We will ask how University should relate to the world of intellectual
property with respect to what we use and what we produce, and how
interconnected the ³library² of University should be. We will consider how
the corporate worlds of search and content might thrive by supporting
networked Universities. We will collaboratively take on the quest for new
forms of compatible efficiency to unleash the generative force of
universities in the Net.

The Internet & Society Conference 2007 is a university-wide event held on
the Harvard Campus, and is open to all who care for the future of
University. It will gather a diverse group of scholars, students,
entrepreneurs, technologists, administrators, funders, policymakers, and
parties with invested interest in University. Through convergent working
groups and discussions, the substance of our conversations ­ and their
outputs ­ will be inputs to an ongoing conversation rather than the final

Harvard University's Internet & Society Conference 2007 will speak from
University to authority and say: this is what we want. We will declare
University and give it substance in the net.


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