[Infowarrior] - Maryland begins ³ homeland security ² shakedowns

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 26 16:09:52 UTC 2007

I guess in MD, "homeland security" is whatever you want it to be when you're
the ones with the guns, dogs, and badges??      -rf

Maryland begins ³homeland security² shakedowns
By Michael Hampton
Posted: March 25, 2007 7:05 pm

Maryland state police conducted what they call a ³homeland security²
operation Wednesday near the MARC commuter rail station in Brunswick. So, if
it¹s about homeland security, why did the police have drug dogs sniffing

Police have been secretive about the purpose of the operation, which lasted
several hours Wednesday afternoon according to an eyewitness, whose father¹s
restaurant was in view of the checkpoint and lost lunch and dinner business.

State police spokesman Greg Shipley did say that they made two arrests, one
for driving on a suspended license, and the other on drug charges, issued 27
traffic tickets and 60 warnings, and ran their drug sniffing dogs around
more than 100 cars.

    ³We were not there for a threat on the Brunswick station,² he said. ³We
were there for Homeland Security in Maryland.²

    Agencies included the Brunswick, Amtrak, Maryland Transit and
Transportation police departments and the state Fire Marshal office.

    The MARC train is an area that needs to be monitored, Shipley said. Some
residents may be concerned by the police activity but the efforts were not
done to alarm them ‹ it was done to protect them.

    ³Maryland State Police (troopers) are out there working with other law
enforcement agencies with the goal of keeping Maryland secure,² Shipley
said. ‹ Frederick News-Post

You shouldn¹t be alarmed when you see a police checkpoint up ahead. You
should be glad that the police are out there protecting you. Because, as we
all know, homeland security requires you to submit to whatever the
government demands. After all, you are the threat. You could hurt yourself
with an evil marijuana plant or something.

So, what do these checkpoints have to do with security? They have nothing to
do with your security. They are about securing the state. That is, after
all, what ³homeland security² means ‹ state security. Especially security
against the people, who must remain subjugated and controlled at all times.

Don¹t forget, if you have a bad thought, turn yourself in!

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