[Infowarrior] - Feds mandates 'secure' Windows set-up

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Mar 23 17:13:58 UTC 2007

Feds mandates 'secure' Windows set-up
One registry setting to rule them all
By John Leyden → More by this author
Published Thursday 22nd March 2007 20:03 GMT

Changes in US government purchasing policies due to come into effect this
summer could have a huge effect on computer security, particularly for
Windows desktops.

A White House directive to federal chief information officers issued this
week calls for all new Windows PC acquisitions, beginning 30 June, to use a
common "secure configuration". Applications (such as anti-virus, email etc)
loaded onto systems remain flexible but what will be specified in the
registry settings and which services would be turned on or off by default.

Even more importantly, the directive calls for suppliers (integrators and
software vendors) to certify that the products they supply operate
effectively using these more secure configurations.

The federal government scheme builds on the "comply or don't connect"
program of the US Air Force. The principal targets are Windows XP and Vista
client systems but the same ideas might be applied in Unix and Windows
Servers environments over time. The schedule for introduction gives
application developers building applications for Windows Vista to test
against. The incentives for developers to get this right will be huge.

"No Vista application will be able to be sold to federal agencies if the
application does not run on the secure version of Vista," explained Alan
Paller, director of research at The SANS Institute. "XP application vendors
will also be required to certify that their applications run on the secure
configuration of Windows XP.

Common, secure configurations reduce the effort required to patch systems.
Such configurations directly block certain modes of attack. Improved
security is likely to save money for application developers and integrators
because it reduces support costs in the long-run, Paller told El Reg.
"Organizations that have made the move report that it actually saves money
rather than costs money."

"The principal frustration has been you can't always patch systems quickly
because they might break applications. Software developers point out that
they can't test against every different configuration as user might have.
>From summer developers will be able to make sure their patches work on more
securely configured systems, reducing the patching headache and saving
costs," he explained.

The purchasing power attached to the $65bn federal IT spending budget means
that suppliers will have no choice but to take notice. Paller said the
scheme is likely to be adopted by large organisations outside government.

Kit purchased by governments needs to meet common criteria standards and
this will remain the case even after the new programme kicks off in the
summer. Paller said that common criteria is a measure of the design
documentation of products. "This, on the other hand, specifies that the kit
will be set up in the right way. The two approaches are complementary but
different," he added. ®

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