[Infowarrior] - NFL violates copyright law, YouTube collaborates with them

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 19 16:50:30 UTC 2007

 NFL violates copyright law, YouTube collaborates with them

The NFL has violated the DMCA, ignoring the law's dispute resolution system
and sending a second takedown notice to YouTube demanding that it censor
Wendy Seltzer's clip from the Superbowl. Wendy, a former EFF lawyer who
founded the Chilling Effects project and now teaches at Brooklyn Law,
grabbed a clip of the NFL's ridiculous copyright warning from the Superbowl
and posted it to YouTube. The NFL sent a takedown notice to YouTube, Wendy
sent a counter-notice, and now the NFL is supposed to go to court to pursue
its claim.

But instead, the NFL just sent another takedown notice -- something that is
illegal, "knowingly materially misrepresent[ing] ... that material or
activity is infringing." Of course, YouTube took the material down anyway
(they have a pattern of sucking up to rightsholder groups instead of
standing up for their users), showing that the weak, ineffectual user
protections in the DMCA are routinely ignored by rightsholders and ISPs.

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