[Infowarrior] - Democrats Give FCC Ultimatum

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Mar 16 04:08:44 UTC 2007

Democrats Give FCC Ultimatum
By Ira Teinowitz

The Federal Communications Commission drew an ultimatum from the House
Energy and Commerce Committee telecom panel: Return to your traditional role
of consumer protection or else.

"When the FCC loses sight of its proper role, consumers suffer," said Rep.
John Dingell, D-Mich., told FCC commissioners at a hearing Tuesday.

The hearing lasted more than four hours as member after member questioned
FCC commissioners. It was the first appearance by all five FCC commissioners
at the House oversight panel in more than three years and the first since
Democrats took over Congress. The commissioners found themselves quizzed
about a smorgasbord of issues, from broadband growth to media ownership.

The commission¹s reception quickly made clear that the FCC -- like other
parts of the government -- would be treated dramatically different under
Democrats than it was under Republicans.

"We intend to have you appear frequently," said panel chairman Rep. Ed
Markey, D-Mass., who also asked why the FCC hadn¹t probed whether the Bush
administration violated telephone privacy laws when the National Security
Agency obtained phone individual phone records.

Rep. Dingell unveiled a barrage of attacks and said the meetings could be
monthly if the FCC doesn¹t change. He questioned whether the FCC had gone
too far when, in the name of speeding up cable competition, it sought to
limit concessions cities can seek for awarding new cable franchises,
suggesting any such limit of cities was up to Congress. He rapped the FCC
for taking too long to finish two payola probes‹one of radio station
payments by music companies for airplay and the other of government payments
to conservative commentator Armstrong Williams to promote President Bush¹s
"No child left behind" initiative.

Rep. Dingell also complained that the FCC regularly announced approval of
items on its plate months before detailing exactly what it approved.

"I find regulating by press release a curious way to interpret the
Administrative Procedures Act."

Finally, he attacked the FCC for not protecting the public interest.Other
Democrats questioned the FCC¹s commitment to boosting the number of
broadcasting licenses held by women and minorities.Republicans defended the
FCC¹s direction and some suggested a need to further ease media ownership
rules to help smaller stations.FCC chairman Kevin J. Martin and the FCC
commissioners defended their decisions at the hearing, but mostly offered to
provide additional information.

(Editor: Horowitz)
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