[Infowarrior] - Viacom = Copyright Hypocrite

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Mar 16 03:51:12 UTC 2007

(file this in the "ya think?" department)

Apparently Viacom's position on copyright infringement is that their
corporate copyrights are more important than your personal copyrights, and
if you get mistakenly-caught-up in their current DMCA dragnet, you don't

No word yet on what, if any, restitution or apology is forthcoming from
Viacom's hypocritical take on copyright protections.  I'm not holding my
breath.     -rf


> Videos Pulled From Web Sites Draw Suits
> Amanda Bronstad
> The National Law Journal
> March 14, 2007
> The creators of videos that have been improperly removed by YouTube and other
> Internet service providers after allegations of copyright violations are
> fighting back with a new breed of lawsuits.

< snip >

> Viacom, which owns MTV Networks and Nickelodeon Networks, asked YouTube to
> remove videos that depicted clips of its copyrighted shows and movies.
> Don Verrilli, a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Chicago's Jenner &
> Block and outside counsel to Viacom, acknowledged that about 60 of the videos
> were mistakenly identified as infringing material, but said that most of the
> videos taken down were copyright-protected and properly removed.

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