[Infowarrior] - MPAA: Links to stuff we don't like must be illegal

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jun 28 12:32:25 UTC 2007

MPAA going after link-only sites.....because it's far more easier to go
after the index than actually FIND the allegedly-pirated material itself.


It really comes down to the MPAA being lazy in its investigations and taking
a sledgehammer approach to dealing with things they don't approve of.  So by
that logic, Microsoft could go after any site that links to Apple or Apple
products, right?

So say they shut this site down. Another one -- or another dozen -- pops up
to take its place.  I'm sure MPAA lawyers will love playing a profitable
game of Internet whack-a-mole but as an interested bystander, I think
they're simply conducting an exercise in futility that doesn't reflect an
understanding of the true nature of how information exists and how the
Internet works....or how customer's needs/desires have changed with the

Idiots, all.


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