[Infowarrior] - Blackwater sues families of slain employees for $10M

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Jun 15 13:29:03 UTC 2007


Blackwater Heavies Sue Families of Slain Employees for $10 Million in Brutal
Attempt to Suppress Their Story

By Daniel J. Callahan and Marc P. Miles, AlterNet
Posted on June 8, 2007, Printed on June 15, 2007

The following article is by the lawyers representing the families of four
American contractors who worked for Blackwater and were killed in Fallujah.
After Blackwater refused to share information about why they were killed,
the families were told they would have to sue Blackwater to find out. Now
Blackwater is trying to sue them for $10 million to keep them quiet.

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