[Infowarrior] - 11 Web Hosts That Won ¹ t Dump You at the First Sign of Controversy

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jul 26 02:00:57 UTC 2007

Free Speech Hosting: 11 Web Hosts That Won¹t Dump You at the First Sign of
Posted on July 25th, 2007 in Free Speech |

The Internet, once the last bastion of truly free speech, is slowly being
overrun by lawyers and government officials the world over. Certainly, there
are criminals who need to be apprehended for their online exploits, but
those of us who are merely exercising our first amendment right should feel
protected. Sadly, many mainstream Web hosts will drop your site as soon as
you attract the smallest amount of opposition. They are, after all,
intimidated by the threat of losing money in a lawsuit. Luckily, there are
still a few brave Web hosting companies that cherish free speech and that
will stand behind your site. Below, we have listed 11 hosts that won¹t dump
you at the first sign of controversy.

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