[Infowarrior] - Lieberman calls for wider use of surveillance cameras

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Jul 2 12:08:41 UTC 2007

 Lieberman calls for wider use of surveillance cameras
By Klaus Marre
July 01, 2007


Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), the chairman of the Senate Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said Sunday he wants to ³more
widely² use surveillance cameras across the country.

³The Brits have got something smart going in England, and it was part of why
I believe they were able to so quickly apprehend suspects in the terrorist
acts over the weekend, and that is they have cameras all over London and
other of their major cities,² Lieberman said.

³I think it¹s just common sense to do that here much more widely,² he added.
³And of course, we can do it without compromising anybody¹s real privacy.²

Lieberman lamented the ³petty, partisan fighting² in Congress and called on
his colleagues to join together to upgrade the nation¹s electronic
surveillance capabilities.

³Right now, we¹re at a partisan gridlock over the question of whether the
American government can listen into conversations or follow e-mail trails of
non-American citizen,² he said on ABC¹s This Week with George
Stephanopoulos. ³That¹s wrong. We¹ve got to solve that problem, pass a law
to give the people working for us the ability to protect us.²

Lieberman, who is more closely aligned with the GOP than the Democrats he
caucuses with on the war in Iraq and many national security issues and
insisted Sunday that the surge in Iraq is working.

³You might say that, in Iraq, we¹ve got the enemy on the run, but for some
reason, in Washington, a lot of politicians are on the run to order a
retreat by our troops even as they are beginning to succeed,² he said.

Lieberman stated it is not fair to conclude that he is more likely to
endorse a Republican for president.

But he added that ³so far I would say that Democratic candidates, in the
larger questions of American security, have been disappointing, and I hope
things will get better as this goes on.²

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