[Infowarrior] - CIS is hiring: Residential Fellow

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jan 17 22:43:12 EST 2007

CIS is hiring: Residential Fellow

The Fellow will be directly and primarily responsible for one or more of the
intellectual property 'impact' cases being litigated by the FUP and/or the
Cyberlaw Clinic. The Fellow will also assist on other litigation and work
with students in the Cyberlaw Clinic on cases and projects on an as-needed
basis. In addition, the Fellowship may provide the opportunity for the
pursuit of individual research and scholarship in preparation to enter the
academic teaching market.

The Center for Internet and Society (CIS) at Stanford Law School is offering
a one-year Fellowship (2007-2008) to work in conjunction with its Fair Use
Project and Cyberlaw Clinic on public interest litigation involving
copyright and technology issues.

The CIS is a leading center for the study of the relationship between the
public interest, law and technology. CIS was founded by Professor of Law
Lawrence Lessig and is headed by Executive Director Jennifer S. Granick.

The Fair Use Project is a new CIS initiative launched in 2006 thanks to a
generous gift from Google, Inc. Headed by Executive Director Anthony
Falzone, the FUP¹s mission is to clarify, define and expand the bounds of
fair use. The FUP¹s primary focus is litigation. It represents clients in
non-commercial and commercial cases that present compelling issues of fair
use and associated principles. Similarly, it provides legal representation
to documentary filmmakers who comply with recognized fair use principles,
providing assistance during production as well as a commitment to provide
defend them should litigation arise.

The Cyberlaw Clinic is an in-house clinic taught by CIS Executive Director
and attorney Jennifer Granick. It consists of eight to twelve students
assisting in the direct representation of clients in matters involving
security, privacy, free speech scientific innovation and technology, as well
as policy analysis and public information campaigns. Illustrative litigation
includes representing a company that distributes peer-to-peer file sharing
software in a lawsuit filed by the recording industry; protecting the rights
of Internet publishers to speak anonymously on- line; and protecting speech
interests against claims of intellectual property infringement.
The Fellow will be directly and primarily responsible for one or more of the
intellectual property 'impact' cases being litigated by the FUP and/or the
Cyberlaw Clinic. The Fellow will also assist on other litigation and work
with students in the Cyberlaw Clinic on cases and projects on an as-needed
basis. In addition, the Fellowship may provide the opportunity for the
pursuit of individual research and scholarship in preparation to enter the
academic teaching market.


2-5 years of post-law school civil litigation experience with substantial
experience in intellectual property matters;
Excellent writing and analytic skills;
Demonstrated ability to direct litigation of impact cases; and
Demonstrated ability to work in a self-directed and entrepreneurial

The position is for 12 months, with the possibility of renewal for a second
twelve months. The start date is flexible, anytime from July 2007 to
September 2007. At least two years of post-law school civil litigation
experience is required. Salary will be approximately $40,000 per year, with
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, writing sample
and a list of references to:

Jennifer S. Granick
Center for Internet & Society
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610

Applications may also be submitted by email to the following address:
granick at stanford.edu. Applicants must also apply online via the Stanford
Jobs website at http://jobs.stanford.edu/find_a_job.html; Job number 23428.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Preferred submission deadline is January 31, 2007.

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