[Infowarrior] - Interview w/Sandia Reverse Hacker

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Feb 27 08:50:47 EST 2007

Shawn Carpenter $4.3 million in a wrongful termination lawsuit against his
former employer Sandia National Laboratories.

The former network intrusion detection analyst was fired in January 2005
after he shared information relating to an internal network compromise with
the FBI and the U.S. Army. Sandia alleged that Carpenter had inappropriately
shared confidential information he had gathered in his role as a security
analyst for the laboratory.

Carpenter said he had done so only for national security reasons. He said
his independent investigations of a May 2004 breach had unearthed evidence
showing that the intruders who had broken into Sandia's networks belonged to
a Chinese hacking group called Titan Rain that also had attacked other
sensitive networks and stolen U.S. military and other classified documents.

Carpenter until last Friday worked with the U.S. Department of State's Cyber
Threat Analysis Division. He is currently a principal research analyst at
NetWitness Corp., a start-up headed by Amit Yoran, former director of the
National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security. In
this interview conducted via e-mail, Carpenter talks about the case......

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