[Infowarrior] - Security: Open vs. Closed

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Feb 6 16:40:43 EST 2007

Open vs. Closed

>From Open Source Security
      Vol. 5, No. 1 - February 2007
by Richard Ford, Florida Institute Of Technology

There is no better way to start an argument among a group of developers than
proclaiming Operating System A to be "more secure" than Operating System B.
I know this from first-hand experience, as previous papers I have published
on this topic have led to reams of heated e-mails directed at me - including
some that were, quite literally, physically threatening. Despite the heat
(not light!) generated from attempting to investigate the relative security
of different software projects, investigate we must.

Understanding why products are (and are not) secure is a critical stepping
stone toward building better software.

Before wading into these dangerous waters, we should clarify the question.
All too often when comparing open and closed source approaches, the question
is unconsciously interpreted as Windows versus Linux. While that's a
fantastic question to knock around, doing so is a very narrow way of looking
at the world, as it ignores many other projects in both the open and closed
source worlds. Although it's foolish to ignore the data points the
Windows/Linux world provides, they are simply examples of the process. So,
let us first strip away the misconception that the question is about these
particular platforms and recognize its real breadth.

With this in mind, our answer requires three crucial definitions in order to
have meaning: "What is open source?"; "What is closed source?"; and,
surprisingly, "What is security?" The first two we can deal with quickly;
the third is a lot subtler, however, so we shall tackle it first.
What is Security?

Traditionally, we tend to think of security as maintaining the CIA
(confidentiality, integrity, and availability) of information. This is a
useful taxonomy of security, and because of this, it's pervasive. One
limitation of the CIA approach is that it isn't very helpful when we
consider how to measure security. What does it mean to say that one product
is more secure than another product? Is C more important than A, and is A
more important than I? How does one rank these different aspects of

A literature review quickly shows that measuring security is a tricky
problem, which, as yet, we haven't gotten our arms around very well. That's
a pity, because if we had, it would be tempting to run the simple experiment
of measuring the security of various open and closed source projects and see
if one methodology is consistently more secure than the other. If closed
source, for example, were measurably better from a security perspective, we
would have the answer to our question.

There are two obvious ways to measure security:

    * What are the chances of any member of the CIA triad being violated?
    * How many actual vulnerabilities are there in a product?

Let's take a look at both of these approaches.

The problem is that the former is a combination of the quality of the
software under test, the number and type of attackers targeting that
software, and how the box is configured, administered, and used. Thus, if
"more secure" simply means measuring the probability of compromise, it might
be possible to conclude that MS-DOS with a TCP/IP stack is more secure than
a fully patched Windows XP box, simply because the number of attackers
looking for MS-DOS machines is now vanishingly small. While the measure is
pragmatic, it tells us a lot about the ubiquity of the system and the talent
and number of its attackers.

Discarding this approach leaves us with the latter of our two approaches:
counting vulnerabilities in the code. Even here, it's not obvious how to
proceed, as we don't have direct measures of actual vulnerability counts; we
have information only about the number of vulnerabilities that are publicly
disclosed. Thus, like the first approach, this one doesn't provide an
objective measure of security; it also considers external factors (such as
attacker profile).

A variation of this approach is known as "days of risk," which is literally
counting the elapsed time between vulnerability disclosure and remediation.
Defining remediation is a difficult task. Does turning off a noncritical
service count as temporarily "fixing" the problem, or does only a
"sanctioned" patch supported by the vendor constitute remediation? This
would depend on the service provided and the needs of the user. Even if we
can agree on remediation, the number of attackers plays a critical role in
determining the total days of risk. Despite this, the approach is
tremendously practical because it takes into account the fact that actually
exploiting a vulnerability is relatively rare until the vulnerability is
publicly known.1 It's a practical measure, however, and as such, doesn't
speak directly to inherent security properties, but pragmatic ones. Note
here that days of risk are traditionally counted from the date the
vulnerability is publicly available, not the date an exploit is known.
Although one can argue that knowledge of the vulnerability is meaningless in
the absence of an exploit, it is often difficult to determine when an
exploit became "public," as many members of the black-hat community keep
such information under close guard. Thus, vulnerability date is the most
objective - and therefore repeatable - measure (even if it is not as
desirable as the exploit date).

Even based on this short discussion, it's clear that accurately measuring
security will mean different things to different people. Thus, for the
purposes of this article, it's reasonable to accept that we can't (yet)
measure the inherent security outcomes of open/closed source processes in an
ordinal way. This means that our "experimental" approach to determining
which approach leads to better security is off the table: until the science
matures, we will have to examine the pros and cons of each approach
independently and try to balance them ourselves.
Open Source, Closed Source

Put simply, the open source process can be thought of as an approach where
the source code to products/executables is provided. In contrast, closed
source approaches restrict source-code access to just the developers of the
product and other chosen individuals (usually under the constraints of a
nondisclosure agreement). In both worlds, many finer distinctions can be
made. For example, some open source projects restrict development to a small
cadre of programmers; others allow anyone to contribute. Source code access,
however, is the key distinction between the approaches. Note also that
neither case requires software to be free nor "for fee" - though the open
source world is generally friendlier in terms of licensing.

Perhaps appropriately for the open source community, a more precise
definition of open source varies from person to person. At its simplest,
open source refers to the practice of providing the source code for
programs. Furthermore, most proponents of the open source approach would
agree that the distributed source code should be legally modifiable and
redistributable (with some license restrictions). Thus, users have the
ability to inspect and modify programs they use. (A far more complete
definition is provided at http://www.opensource.org.)

In contrast, the closed source approach seals the program code. As such,
derivative works are usually legally prohibited. Proponents of both camps
may object to the simplicity of my definitions: they do capture the essence
of both approaches but fail to capture the culture that surrounds them.

Culturally, closed source represents traditional corporate software
developers. When we think of open source, however, we tend to think of
volunteers working as a collective, free software, and community projects.
Open source structures are fluid; closed ones rigid. While this is something
of a caricature, like all good sketches, it does catch some of the "feel" of
the movement.
Inherent Security Properties

Armed now with an understanding of the question, it is time to examine the
relative merits of the two approaches from a security perspective. Clearly,
others have undertaken this process (for a slightly different perspective,
for example, see Ross Anderson2); however, there are many issues that are
not addressed completely. As such, we begin by considering the most basic
difference between the development methodologies: one can examine the source
code of an open source project. Pragmatically, this is of use to both the
attacker and the defender.

>From the attacker's point of view, code availability means that there is
complete disclosure on how a particular feature is implemented. Furthermore,
it means that discussion of weaknesses and design decisions often happens in
the open (see the "Disclosure Models" section later in this article). Thus,
open source products allow the attacker a white-box view of the product and,
potentially, associated problems. When a security patch is made available,
it is trivial for the attacker to determine exactly what was fixed.

>From the perspective of the defender, open source also has advantages.
Perhaps most importantly, it allows for code inspection. Thus, if the
defender really wants to know that a particular feature is secure, he or she
can simply examine the code - provided, of course, that the defender has the
necessary security knowledge to spot a problem. Second, there is a sense
that because many people can review the code, the code is inherently higher
quality - as framed by Eric S. Raymond in his now-famous quote, "Given
enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."3 Finally, features that are
problematic in a particular environment can be turned off by a sufficiently
skilled programmer. Thus, when a vulnerability is found, the user doesn't
have to wait for a sanctioned patch: anyone can make the requisite changes
to the code base.

>From an attacker's perspective, closed source means that only a small part
of a given community has access to the code. Thus, to understand the
internals, the attacker must reverse-engineer the binary; such a process is
time consuming and, in the case of software that has been protected from
such reverse engineering, nontrivial.

Furthermore, design mistakes may be harder to spot, as grasping the entire
form of a large application is quite difficult when working only with
compiled code.

Things are equally double-edged for the defender. When using a closed source
product, the user is left entirely at the mercy of the code developer in
terms of functionality changes or security patches. Thus, when a
vulnerability is announced, the options for the defender are limited. Once
again, differences in disclosure models help mitigate this somewhat, but
ultimately, the user is left trusting the vendor. Self-help is not a
practical option; code cannot be screened internally for structures that are
worrisome in particular environments. Of course, these issues are compounded
if the code to a closed source product is leaked; then the attacker has many
of the benefits of the approach, with few of the downsides.

These fundamental properties are painted with a fairly broad brush, but in
essence they encapsulate the systematic differences between the techniques
in terms of attacker and defender. Space precludes a thorough examination of
these differences, so we will turn our attention to the two that seem to
have the most impact: vulnerability disclosure models and trust/validation.
Disclosure Models

One key difference between open and closed source processes is the
vulnerability disclosure model that is typically shared within them. As open
source's nature is openness, when vulnerabilities are repaired it is trivial
for an attacker to see exactly what was repaired and work back to the
vulnerability and (probably) a working exploit. In the closed source world,
it might not even be clear that a vulnerability existed or was fixed.

Because of this, open source tends to do badly from the perspective of "days
of risk," where one counts the time between the disclosure of a
vulnerability and an "approved" fix. Some may find this unfair, but
pragmatically history shows that the window between the public availability
of a vulnerability/exploit and its patch is a difficult and dangerous time.
In addition, while it is entirely possible (and practiced in several open
source communities) to embargo security bug disclosure until a patch is
available, the practice of no disclosure is still rarer in the open source
community than the closed source community. In addition, the problem is
compounded by the many different Linux distributions that contain open
source components. If a component is updated by its creators, it is
impractical to wait until all distributions that use it are ready to issue a
validated patch.

The difference in disclosure models is a difficult problem for open source
processes to solve. While one can argue that users can fix problems as they
arise (thus, as soon as the problem is disclosed, the user writes a patch
for his or her own use), this is a little far-fetched. Most users aren't
programmers, and those who are usually aren't security experts. Thus, closed
source benefits from its "closed" nature in this aspect - its worldview
centers on keeping certain "secrets" secret.

Conversely, the open source world is based around information exchange.
Changing the open source worldview on this matter with respect to security
is really the crux of the solution but is somewhat in contradiction to the
culture. Despite the solid progress several open source projects are making
in this area (bugs are increasingly discussed in private, not in public
forums), as soon as a patch is released it is trivial to determine the exact
details of the patch. This makes developing an exploit for the previous
version much simpler.
Trusting Trust

Ken Thompson's paper "Reflections on Trusting Trust" is as important today
as it was when first penned in 1984.4 Thompson illustrated the trust
assumptions we make when deciding on security-related issues. Ultimately, he
argues, we're trusting far more than we might realize. The same argument
holds when considering open/closed source security.

Classically, security people tend to think of the attacker as either a
malicious insider or a third party. It's also possible, however, to think of
the software vendor - in its entirety - as untrustworthy (because one
suspects the vendor is either malicious or incompetent). What then?

This change of focus in terms of trust can be a little startling, but isn't
entirely far-fetched. It doesn't even require malfeasance on the part of the
vendor. Consider a well-meaning (but foolish) vendor who, during an install,
disables a critical piece of security software, with the intent of restoring
it at the end of the install. Such a vendor could be unwittingly placing the
user at risk. Incidents such as the Sony rootkit, used for DRM (digital
rights management) purposes, also emphasize the sometimes misplaced trust
placed in vendors. In each case, the closed source nature of the project put
the user in jeopardy because there was no way - aside from reverse
engineering - to determine the real functionality of the software.

There is also the issue of unethical vendors deliberately sneaking adware
onto your computers under the guise of a "utility." Vendors aren't
inherently trustworthy, and anyone who blindly makes the assumption that
they are is either in denial or naïve.

In the case of an untrustworthy vendor, open source provides at least a
mechanism by which a concerned entity can verify (within reason - remember
the implications of Thompson's paper) that all is well. Going to the trouble
of auditing the entire code base for a project isn't justified in many
cases, but I can provide an example that is difficult to refute: voting

The idea of trusting a single vendor with the legitimacy of elections is,
frankly, terrifying. With so much at stake, voting software must be verified
by source inspection - who would trust a black-box approach to voting?
Clearly, in the case of such software, an open source approach provides at
least a mechanism by which the software's veracity can be verified. Does one
vote entered tally up with one vote counted in all scenarios? Although the
process is nontrivial in an open source world, it's really very challenging
in a closed source scenario where one must resort to reverse-engineering the
system. Thus, in some cases, it seems the open source approach clearly has
the edge.

An interesting counterpoint can be found in security software. Consider
antivirus software. While much antivirus software is signature-based, many
different incarnations of generic virus protection exist that attempt to
apply different techniques to stop new viruses. Such software is important,
as it provides a first line of defense against rapid worms, which can become
pandemic minutes after their initial release. Generally, such software is
not theoretically secure - it is heuristic in nature and can be bypassed by
an attacker with sufficient knowledge. This being the case, an open source
approach is probably less attractive than a closed source one. Let's at
least make the life of the attacker a bit harder. If that sounds like
security through obscurity, hold on to your seat for a moment: it is.
Security Through Obscurity?

The idea of "security through obscurity" has a horrible reputation among
software engineers. I can still remember mentors through the years drumming
into my head the idea that security by obscurity is no security at all (I
expect that some of those fine scientists will contact me as they read this
article to see where they went wrong in my education), but my belief is that
the entire argument is highly contextual. For example, passwords are the
perfect example of "acceptable" security through obscurity: they are useful
only if the attacker doesn't know them.

Again, let me illustrate my position by using an example: DRM software. Any
time one is attempting to protect software from unauthorized copying, one
runs into the idea of security through obscurity. Essentially, if the
computer can run the software, it's almost certainly going to be possible to
copy it. Similarly, with a copy-protected document, if all else fails, I can
always take a picture of my screen. Almost all DRM software is, at some
level, security through obscurity: the bar is set only so high. The trick is
making sure it is high enough to deter most attackers. Similarly, the
protection offered by Microsoft Windows Vista's much-discussed Kernel Patch
Protection is of far less value if the source code is available. This would
allow attackers to chart the fastest route around it.

A counterpoint once again highlights the context I'm talking about:
encryption. As computer scientists, we can make encryption arbitrarily
difficult to break given currently known technology. If breaking the code
involves factoring a very large number, I can make good predictions of how
much effort an attacker needs to spend, and that time doesn't really depend
on the attacker's knowledge of my software or algorithm. For such software,
the best route to security is to publish the algorithm and let it be
independently verified. So, what's the difference?

The difference between these cases is simple: determinism. In the case of
the encryption software, the outcome is deterministic. Knowing everything
about the mechanism doesn't compromise the security of the outcome. In
contrast, for antivirus software the system is heuristic. As such, some
things benefit from disclosure, and some things don't. In these two cases,
it's obvious. Unfortunately, that's the exception, not the rule. The problem
is that many systems contain aspects that are heuristic and aspects that are

For a word processor, the question is different. You might like your word
processor to work reliably, but the truth is that it contains bugs, and,
potentially, security vulnerabilities. The closed source approach makes it
expensive for anyone other than the developer to find those bugs. The open
source approach means it's easy for anyone trained in secure coding
practices to find weaknesses. Both of these properties are double-edged, and
it's not clear which provides the best long-term outcome.

Part of the reason why this topic is interesting is because it is difficult:
there are arguments on both sides that are compelling. By being able to
understand the nuances of the question better, different aspects begin to
become clear. Both development methodologies have intrinsic properties:
which set of properties most appropriately fits for a particular application
is contextual.

Unfortunately, the cases where one is clearly better than the other are few
and far between. Most software sits somewhat uncomfortably between the two.
In such cases, the makeup, philosophy, and training of the team behind the
software are far more important than whether the project is open or closed
source. Both methods can be done well, and both can be done badly.

Understanding where each method is strong and where it is weak is the first
step toward process improvement. Instead of focusing on either/or decisions,
perhaps it is ultimately more fruitful to follow both, using each where
appropriate. Software engineering is a young discipline; time will answer if
we approach the question with full knowledge of our assumptions and

   1. Arbaugh, W. A., Fithen, W. L., McHugh, J. 2000. Windows of
vulnerability: A case study analysis. IEEE Computer 33 (December): 52-59.
   2. Anderson, R. J. 2002. Security in open versus closed systems - the
Dance of Boltzmann, Coase and Moore. Presented at Open Source Software
   3. Raymond, E. S. 1999. The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Sebastapol, CA:
   4. Thompson K. 1984. Reflections on trusting trust. Communications of the
ACM 27(8): 761-763.

RICHARD FORD graduated from the University of Oxford in 1992 with a D.Phil.
in quantum physics. Since that time, he has worked extensively in the area
of computer security and malicious mobile code prevention. Previous projects
include work on the Computer Virus Immune System at IBM Research and
development of the world's largest Web hosting system while director of
engineering for Verio. Ford is an associate professor at Florida Institute
of Technology, where he is the director of the Center for Security Sciences.
His research interests include malicious mobile code, behavioral worm
prevention, security metrics, and computer forensics. Ford is executive
editor of Reed-Elsevier's Computers and Security, Virus Bulletin and
co-editor of a column in IEEE Security and Privacy.

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