[Infowarrior] - FW: Western Digital cripples (well, tries to cripple) network drives

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Dec 7 14:11:57 UTC 2007

------ Forwarded Message

From:   RK

Spotted on the excellent Boing Boing site, where Cory Doctorow writes:

 Gary sez, "This is the most extreme example I've seen yet of tech
 companies crippling data devices in order to please Hollywood:
 Western Digital is disabling sharing of any avi, divx, mp3, mpeg,
 and many other files on its network connected devices; due to
 unverifiable media license authentication'. Just wondering --
 who needs a 1 Terabyte network-connected hard drive that is
 prohibited from serving most media files? Perhaps somebody with
 220 million pages of .txt files they need to share?"

And sure enough, it's right on WD's own web site:


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