[Infowarrior] - InfowarCon Moved to March 2008 to Ease Scheduling Conflicts

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Aug 29 17:53:30 UTC 2007

InfowarCon Moved to March 2008 to Ease Scheduling Conflicts


The much anticipated revival of InfowarCon is going to have to wait another
few months. Bowing to pressure from defense agencies, educational
institutions and international organizations, the event conflicted with too
many other senior level commitments during the September time frame.

InfowarCon founder Winn Schwartau said: ³We brought back InfowarCon at the
request of countless people and organizations, both within the U.S. and
internationally. We also made an assumption about timing ­ a poor one as it
turns out. It used to be the end of the fiscal year was perfect for the U.S.
government, but times have changed.²

Many of the senior officials who wanted to speak and attend were unable to

To accommodate them and myriad others, InfowarCon has been rescheduled for
2-4 March, 2008, at the same location.

InfowarCon¹s original dates also conflicted with the opening schedules of
military schools and academies who wanted to participate. Professor Dan
Kuehl of the National Defense University said: ³This is wonderful news. The
end of the fiscal year is a big problem. This move will allow greater
support from the educational and defense communities.²

³InfowarCon is a serious and important forum for cooperation between
government and industry on national and global cyberterrorism.  To make this
discussion meaningful we need input from as many voices as possible.  I
absolutely support any move that increases participation.  It¹s in the best
interest of all concerned², said Richard Marshall, Senior Information
Assurance Representative, Office of Legislative Affairs, National Security

InfowarCon¹s sponsors have backed the move. All pre-registered attendees and
sponsors will receive upgrades. New registrants will be able to sign-up at
revised ³Early Bird² rates at www.infowarcon.com. ³Just our way of making
sure that InfowarCon¹s passionate supporters will now get even more out of
the event,² said Schwartau.

Media Contact Information:
Eric Green
InfowarCon Tel: 240 396 0007 x 908
Eric at infowarcon.com

InfowarCon Advisory Board: Dr. Dan Kuehl, National Defense University; Amit
Yoran, NetWitness; Mark Rasch, FTI; Dorothy Denning, DoD; Richard Forno,
Infowarrior.org; Lars Nicander, CATS; Bruce Brody, CACI.

InfowarCon Sponsors & Partners Include: The Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), Mandiant, Netwitness, Purifile, Secure Computing, Lincoln Group,
White Wolf Security, Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3), (ISC)2;
Homeland Defense Journal, Government Security News, Homeland Defense Week,
Officer.com, Continuity Insights, InfraGard National Members Alliance, ISSA
NOVA, Terrorism Research Center and National Defense University.

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