[Infowarrior] - Warner Bros. Filming Audiences In An Attempt To Stop Piracy?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Aug 21 02:56:53 UTC 2007

Reader Sam says he was filmed by a security guard contracted by Time/Warner
during a recent showing of The Invasion at an AMC movie theater.

When he complained about it to customer service, they told him "Time
Warner/Warner Bros had contracted a security company to film movie theater
audiences around the country during the opening weekend of its movies in an
effort to prevent piracy." Ew! We think this is scary. If we saw some
potential psycho filming us during a movie we'd be weirded out and we'd
leave. Especially if it was during a (sort-of) remake of Invasion of the
Body Snatchers. Do not go to sleep. Warner Bros. will film you.

(Sam's letter under the jump)

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