[Infowarrior] - RIP Appleworks

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Aug 15 23:31:29 UTC 2007

(granted I haven't used it since the days of my Apple 2c and GS systems, but
even then, it was an effing-powerful software suite that was simple yet
elegant.  Alas, those were the days!  ---rf)

Apple cans AppleWorks
AppleWorks declared 'end of life'

Jonny Evans


AppleWorks' last breath was masked by last week's iMac, iLife and iWork
announcements - Apple has discontinued the product.

Apple told resellers of the demise of AppleWorks last week, announcing that
the software had reached "End of Life" status. It will no longer be sold.
The AppleWorks website now directs users to the iWork section of Apple's

The original AppleWorks was written by Robert Lissner and released in 1984
by Apple for the Apple II family of computers, and at one point was the
biggest-selling software package in the industry.

The modern incarnation of AppleWorks started life as ClarisWorks, written by
Bob Hearn and Scott Holdaway.

At one time, AppleWorks was bundled with all consumer level Macs sold by
Apple. It reached version 6.0, where it languished since the late nineties.

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