[Infowarrior] - Law is code

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 6 13:15:31 UTC 2007

Code-is-law, a term originating from Professor Lawrence Lessig, has been on
the collective mind of Radar lately. Tim blogged about it, and the last
issue of Release 2.0 explored it further.

I found code-is-law on my mind at Foo Camp this year during a presentation
on security by Dan Kaminsky. (Yes, the same renaissance hacker that made me
fear my web browser last week.) Dan's presentation described how to turn
noise into visualizations using dotplots, a technique he uses to guide
fuzzers. But ever a true hacker, Dan also created a series of beautiful
visualizations ranging from audio captchas to the representation of Zelda.

The visualization that fascinated me most combined code and law, produced
using Project Gutenberg, kernel32.dll and US Code.

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