[Infowarrior] - Attack code raises Windows DNS zero-day risk

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Apr 16 20:17:18 UTC 2007

Attack code raises Windows DNS zero-day risk

By Joris Evers

Story last modified Mon Apr 16 12:57:44 PDT 2007

The public release of computer code that exploits a yet-to-be-patched
Windows security hole increases the possibility of widespread attacks,
security experts have warned.

At least four exploits for the vulnerability in the Windows domain name
system, or DNS, service were published on the Internet over the weekend,
Symantec said in an alert Monday. In response, the Cupertino, Calif.,
company raised its ThreatCon to level 2, which means an increase in attacks
is expected.

The security vulnerability affects Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server
2003. Microsoft last week warned that it had already heard of a "limited
attack" exploiting the flaw. However, exploit code wasn't yet publicly
available. Exploits may help miscreants craft malicious code that uses the
vulnerability to compromise Windows systems.

Microsoft continues to work on a fix for the problem, and attacks are still
limited, Christopher Budd, a Microsoft Security Response Center staffer,
wrote on a corporate blog Sunday.

"Attacks are still limited. We are aware though of public disclosure of
proof-of-concept code to exploit the vulnerability," Budd wrote. Microsoft
urges users of the vulnerable systems to apply the workarounds it has

The attacks happen when someone sends rigged data to the Windows DNS
service, which is meant to help map text-based Internet addresses to numeric
Internet Protocol addresses. The vulnerability affects the DNS RPC
interface. RPC, or Remote Procedure Call, is a protocol used by applications
to send requests across a network.

The vulnerability is not exploitable over the standard DNS ports TCP/UDP 53,
according to Microsoft. The RPC Interface is typically bound to network
ports between 1024 and 5000, Symantec said. This mitigates the risk,
according to the SANS Internet Storm Center, which tracks network threats.

"Networks obliging to basic secure perimeter design would only allow port 53
UDP/TCP to the authoritative DNS servers, and definitely not the additional
RPC ports required for exploitation," a SANS ISC staffer wrote on the
organization's blog Monday.

Still, the issue is significant, according to SANS ISC. Web hosting
companies may run various network services on a single server, and Active
Directory servers often also run DNS and may be exposed, according to the
blog post.

The DNS flaw does not affect Windows XP or Windows Vista. Windows 2000
Server Service Pack 4, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server
2003 Service Pack 2 are vulnerable, Microsoft said.

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