[Infowarrior] - Quick comment on current Iraq statements

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Apr 3 12:42:34 UTC 2007

Dear Politicians and Lobbyists --

The phrase "we need to fight the terrorists 'there' so we don't fight them
'here'" (or variants thereof) is based on a rosy wish that terrorism can be
contained to a specific part of the world.   It can't. We could 'win' Iraq
and make it a glowing beacon of Western democracy and still see a terrorist
attack 'here' down the road.  So you're basing your statement on an
analytical non-sequitor and fractured logic.

Similarly, when you say that "setting a timetable for Iraq withdrawl" will
"telegraph our intentions to the bad guys and embolden them" you forget one
small item: when the bad guys see fewer and fewer American troops around
town over a period of time, guess what?  They'll pretty-much know we're
leaving or gone, and continue their activities once they feel confident in
their ability to avoid capture.  You're basing your statement here on a
failure to understand that animals and human beings alike can notice things
in their environment and only act when they feel confident and safe.

So kindly refrain from using such warped logic in your statements.



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