[Infowarrior] - Labels sue XM over music-storing 'mothership'

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 17 09:16:50 EDT 2006

Wouldn't it be great if we could sue the RIAA for first-degree
arseclownedness and blatant greed?  (And conspiracy....)



A representative of the Recording Industry Association of America, comprised
of major labels such as Vivendi Universal's Universal Music Group, Warner
Music Group, EMI Group and Sony BMG, said the suit was filed on Tuesday in
New York federal court.
XM Inno

The suit accuses XM Satellite of "massive wholesale infringement" and seeks
$150,000 in damages for every song copied by XM customers using the devices,
which went on sale earlier this month. XM, with more than 6.5 million
subscribers, said it plays 160,000 different songs every month.

"Because XM makes available vast catalogues of music in every genre, XM
subscribers will have little need ever again to buy legitimate copies of
plaintiffs' sound recordings," the lawsuit says, referring to the handheld
"Inno" device. 

< - >

"XM Radio is the largest single payer of digital music broadcast royalties,
and royalties paid by XM go to the music industry and benefit artists
directly," the satellite radio company said.

"The music labels are trying to stifle innovation, limit consumer choice and
roll back consumers' rights to record content for their personal use," XM

"It's a question of economic impact. Will these devices substitute for the
purchase of a record? Everything is changing, and the industry is
petrified," said Jay Cooper, an entertainment lawyer. 

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