[Infowarrior] - Gmail cripples DRMed PDF files ¹ ³ View as HTML ² functionality

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon May 15 21:35:46 EDT 2006

Gmail cripples DRMed PDF files¹ ³View as HTML² functionality
Posted by Andreas on May 15th, 2006 at 03:15


Google has rolled out a couple of new Gmail features this week. And guess
what: one of them is not mentioned on the ³What¹s new on Gmail?² page.
Readers of this blog probably know what I¹m talking aboutŠ

Indeed, Gmail has crippled its ³View as HTML² functionality so as to comply
with Adobe¹s PDF copy-control scheme. In case an email attachment is a DRMed
PDF file (= a PDF with copying and/or printing restrictions), clicking on
the ³View as HTML² link returns the message displayed in the screenshot.

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