[Infowarrior] - Backer of ISP snooping slams industry

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed May 3 19:56:46 EDT 2006

...while a noble goal that I support -- protecting children and jailing
those who prey on them in any environment -- does anyone else think "online
predators" and "child pornography" is becoming the justification rationale
for lawmakers to do whatever they want on the Internet?   IIRC in recent
months, the MPAA/RIAA was saying P2P was responsible for kiddie porn in
their latest attempt to control the net, too.

Calling Mrs. Lovejoy....


Backer of ISP snooping slams industry

By Declan McCullagh

Story last modified Wed May 03 16:27:38 PDT 2006

WASHINGTON--Congress' leading proponent of forcing Internet service
providers to retain records about their users' activities lashed out at the
industry on Wednesday, saying such a federal law will be a "very minor
burden" to bear.

Rep. Diana DeGette, a Colorado Democrat, said at a House of Representatives
hearing that new laws were necessary to thwart child pornographers and other
Internet predators. Investigations into illicit behavior have been hampered
because data may be routinely deleted in the normal course of business,
DeGette and other data retention proponents claim.

"This created havoc among the Internet service provider community," DeGette
said, referring to her proposed legislation announced last week (click for
PDF). "I am horrified that the provider community is not working with us on
this because it seems to me to be a very simple piece of legislation and I'm
going to continue to fight for it."

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